Saturday, August 17, 2024

Belajar rendah hati

Selamat mendengarkan refleksi singkat saya ya teman-teman. Pengingat untuk selalu belajar rendah hati :-)

Baca juga:

Presentasi Calvin                Siapa Calvin                   Cerita Beasiswa

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Belajar Menulis Book Review

Saya memberanikan diri menulis book review, ilmu yang saya pelajari saat sekolah pasca sarjana. Saya mereview buku karangan Robert K Yin, Case Study Research and Applications: Design and Methods (edisi ke-enam). Saya mencoba mengaplikasikan teknik making connection untuk mencoba mengaitkan ide yang dapat saya pelajari dari buku tersebut dengan teks lain yang pernah saya baca untuk membuat review saya lebih bermakna, tentunya setelah meringkas isi buku dan menyampaikan poin-poin penting tentang apa yang dapat saya pelajari dari buku ini. Teman-teman silahkan membaca tulisan saya di  atau di: Selamat menulis, teman-teman!

Baca juga:

Publikasi Calvin

Catatan kecil Calvin

Friday, September 22, 2023

Rekomendasi Jurnal Ilmiah di Bidang Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran dan Pengajaran Bahasa

Semoga postingan ini bermanfaat buat teman-teman yang sedang mencari jurnal untuk menerbitkan artikel penelitian atau tulisan akademik dalam bidang pendidikan dan pembelajaran dan pengajaran bahasa. Kalau ada info jurnal lainnya, silahkan share di kolom komentar ya. Selamat menulis!

Hopefully, this post is useful for friends who are looking for journals to publish research articles or academic writing in the fields of education and language learning and teaching. If you have other journal info, please share it in the comments section. Happy writing!

Friday, March 31, 2023

Simple Technology to Support Research

My new book discusses various simple and free-to-use technology to support your research-related activities. I also present my past experiences as a master's and doctoral student, related literature, figures and tables, and relevant research policies to support the discussions about the technology tools and provide clear perspectives of what they are and how to use them. I hope this book can be a supportive friend for you all in your research and publication journey. 

You may read the book for FREE here:

Monday, October 24, 2022

Simple Technology for Language Classrooms

The idea to write this book chapter emerged from the Teaching-Learning Empowerment (TLE) series, a weekly meeting in the English Language Education program (PBI) at Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana in Salatiga, Indonesia. On Fridays, PBI lecturers, who are all contributors of this volume, present research proposals and reflect on their teaching and share their experiences using technology to support their language teaching and learning practices. The intention is to facilitate TLE discussions about technology that can empower and be more impactful for people outside of the study program, especially those hoping to learn various types of technology or looking for ideas to integrate easy-to-use technology into their language lessons. 

One attempt to achieve that goal is by writing this ten-chapter book. Each chapter provides one lesson plan that integrates simple technology that has been presented in the TLE series. The lesson plan also has step-by-step teaching activities that readers may follow as is, or use parts of the activities and modify some of the activities to meet the specific needs of their English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classrooms. The technology-based tasks presented in the lesson plan follow the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) standards for students, so the tasks can also be applied in various settings outside of Indonesia. The ISTE Standards serve as a roadmap guiding teachers to meaningfully integrate technology into their teaching and learning practices. 

Hopefully, this book can give various practical ideas for EFL lecturers, teachers, and practitioners about how they might use technology – not just for the sake of using it, but to provide novel, culturally relevant, and developmentally appropriate language learning opportunities for their students. 

The book is FREE for everyone and ACCESSIBLE at 

Monday, August 1, 2022

Belajar dari Profesor Sola

Di semester Spring 2019, saya mengambil kelas Bapak Sola, seorang Profesor yang baik hati, murah senyum, dan tidak sombong. Sebelum kelas pada hari itu berakhir, beliau berpesan agar kami memilih topik penelitian yang kami suka, bisa dikerjakan, dan diselesaikan [tepat waktu]. Kata beliau, kami tidak perlu menghubah seluruh dunia dengan hasil penelitian kami. Lebih lanjut, "focus on one or two research questions; don't think about a topic that is in heaven; put it down to the earth." Beliau juga menyarankan agar kami mengunjungi top journals (dalam bidang saya, misalnya: ELT Journal dan TESL-EJ) lalu membaca beberapa artikel yang sesuai dengan minat penelitian, pelajari metodologinya, lalu buat penelitian serupa. Setelahnya, beliau menutup kelas sore itu, thank you everyone, see you next week!

Baca juga:

Seleksi Beasiswa        Siapa Calvin?         TED-Ed Riddle

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Ide Sederhana untuk Menulis

Semoga video ini bermanfaat untuk teman-teman yang sedang mencari ide (penelitian) sederhana untuk menulis.

Monday, April 18, 2022

Interactive-Reflective Writing (IRW) technique

Back in 2019, I took an English literacy course at a public research university. One of the challenging tasks in this course was reading three books in a semester and writing reflections on what I read. These books have hundreds of pages, use an advanced English vocabulary level, and discuss (in my opinion) complex literacy theories. The IRW technique helped me comprehend those English literacy textbooks and write my reflections.  Read my reflections on one of the books here:, where you can also find some guiding questions for your future research explorations and learn a different way of knowing.

Also read:

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Teaching Reflection of Using Technology in Two Indonesian EFL Classrooms: An Autoethnography

Recently, I conducted a qualitative autoethnography study that reflects upon my experiences as a lecturer in integrating technology in two EFL writing classes at the English Language Education Program of a private university in Central Java, Indonesia. In the study, I aim to answer the following research question: What does it mean to integrate technology in my EFL writing classrooms in an Indonesian higher education context? 

In conclusion, the followings are the answers to that question that might also be practical recommendations for teachers who wish to integrate technology in their EFL writing classrooms.

  • Struggle: Integrating technology in the EFL writing classrooms is a trial-and error process. Therefore, I should always look at my teaching practices and reflect on teaching challenges with the technology I face. Moreover, I should be willing to acknowledge my weaknesses, learn from my students, and not be afraid to make necessary changes to improve my teaching. Otherwise, I can never optimize the technology’s potentials to support my students’ writing activities.

  • Unsuitable choice of technology: A technology application I am using in the classrooms, even if it looks sophisticated, cannot always support my students’ writing activities and solve all of their writing problems.

  • Not a magic stick: My students should not consider technology as a tool that can instantly enhance their work and solve all grammatical problems in their writing. A well-written academic paper requires students’ serious effort to work on their paper day by day.

  • Traditional ingredients: I cannot entirely replace traditional classroom practices (e.g., doing peer feedback and face-to-face teacher and student interactions in the class), although the technology can give my students new learning experiences (e.g., writing a poem in a blog or providing written feedback in an online environment rather than on a piece of paper).

  • Learning from one another: As a lecturer, I should open my mind and be humble to learn from my students who might know more about various apps that can support writing activities in the EFL classrooms.

Citation: Mali, Y. C. G. (2022). Teaching reflection of using technology in two Indonesian EFL classrooms: an autoethnography. Journal on English as a Foreign Language, 12(1), 1-21.