Menulis Study Objectives dan Personal Statement

Setelah menyelesaikan seleksi wawancara dan menunggu beberapa minggu, saya memperoleh Email dari AMINEF sekitar pertengahan bulan Juni yang tertulis seperti ini:

Dear Mr. Mali​,

I am writing to inform you that you have been nominated as a principal candidate for Fulbright Grants for Indonesian Lecturers (RISTEK-DIKTI) to pursue study for a Doctoral degree in the United States commencing with the Fall 2018 academic term. 

Konon katanya, jika sudah memperoleh predikat principal candidate, saya pasti akan berangkat ke Amerika Serikat. AMIN! 😊 Ternyata, jalan yang harus saya lalui masih panjang karena ada banyak dokumen yang harus saya kumpulkan dalam waktu yang, menurut saya, cukup singkat. Salah satunya ialah tentang penulisan personal statement. Singkatnya, saya harus menuliskan narasi sepanjang 1 halaman tentang latar belakang pendidikan dan profesi saya, kelebihan yang saya miliki, dan apa yang saya bisa kontribusikan kepada sesama/ lingkungan/ bangsa dan negara saya. Di dalam E-mail, saya secara khusus mendapatkan instruksi sebagai berikut:

Paragraph #1:
Describe your education.

Paragraph #2:
Describe your practical experience in your field of interest.

Paragraph #3:
Describe your special interests.

Paragraph #4:
Describe your career plans.

Paragraph #5:
Describe significant factors that have influenced your educational and professional development.  For example, did you experience any educational and professional hardships?  Did you have a special mentor or advisor that helped you achieve your goals?  Did outside factors affect your development?

Paragraph #6:
Explain how long you have had practical experience regarding your proposed field of study and why more education is still needed in that area.

Selain itu saya juga diminta  untuk mengumpulkan studi objectives yang diketik dalam 1 halaman[1] yang secara garis besar menarasikan jurusan apa yang akan saya ambil di Amerika, mengapa saya harus belajar di sana, dan bagaimana ilmu yang saya dapat bisa berkontribusi bagi [pendidikan] di Indonesia. Dalam proses penulisannya,  saya menyarankan agar kita dapat meminta bantuan orang lain khusunya yang mempunyai bidang [field] yang sama dengan kita untuk memberikan masukan dari segi isi dan juga bahasa. Berikut adalah contoh studi objectives dan personal statement yang saya narasikan.

[My] Study Objectives:
I wish to apply for a Ph.D. program that provides a proper research-based learning avenue for me to study and better understand how the use of education technology can promote independent language learning beyond “the chalk and talk” approach regardless of students’ race, economic situation, cultural background, and religious beliefs. More specifically, my goal is based on the following reasons.

In the first place, my doctoral studies will help me to delve deeper into issues of the integration of educational technology into English language teaching to help students achieve their learning objectives and to provide learning opportunities outside the restriction of the classroom. These issues are relatively new concepts and matters of debate in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) settings, particularly in Indonesia, and to which I have been exposed since the beginning of my graduate studies. This exploration can be a positive response to worldwide trends, national policies in Indonesia, and missions of the English Language Education Study Program at Satya Wacana Christian University, all of which have led some initiatives and gradually encouraged local teachers to integrate the use of technology into their teaching practices.

Secondly, I have always believed that studying in a Ph.D. program with its rigorous research-based learning activities is a golden ticket allowing me to embrace my passion as a researcher. I will indeed possess opportunities to enhance my research habits and skills and meet world-class educators in the field to discuss my research projects. From these experts, I can obtain insights to keep abreast of the most recent developments in educational technology. Therefore, I am more than assured that the program can constructively encourage me to become a productive and professional young scholar who provides sustainable research-based methods to advance the quality of teaching and learning instructions with the best and wisest use of technology based on the most recent developments in technology and issues in the field.

Moreover, studying in the country that leads the world in the advancement of technology will enable me to learn more about how various kinds of educational technology are implemented in teaching and learning activities, particularly in the Ph.D. program that I am applying for. In this way, I can adapt their learning policies with regard to the use of the technology in a program of study, in a classroom, or on a personal level. As a result, I can also gather more insights to elaborate in the publication of a book on the best practices of using technology in EFL classrooms that I plan to publish in the year 2019, particularly for EFL teachers in Indonesia. With this publication, I can certainly have opportunities to promote the US University and the Ph.D. program where I will study, its technology, and professional achievements. These insights can later be shared among domestic professionals as well, such as through my participation in workshops in educational technology for junior and high school teachers, meetings, and conferences, as well as for students in my classrooms.

On a practical level, after completing my Ph.D. studies in the US and returning to Indonesia, I plan to teach at the undergraduate program and the future master program in the English Language Studies at my university and to be a researcher that focuses on the fields of technology and English education as a positive attempt to advance the practices of the missions of my program of study. I also intend to share my knowledge and research findings through regular publications in academic journals. Through these publications, I aim to spread positive views on utilizing educational technology and voice the need to facilitate easy access to appropriate computer devices and the Internet connections in all schools in Indonesia, particularly in far-away forgotten areas so that students and teachers can reduce time and distance in studying and keeping up-to-date with current trends in education. In addition, workshops on potentials of technology for language learning, such as the use of screencasting and kahoot technology, for teachers in various Indonesian cities will also benefit from my participation. In summary, the Ph.D program provides the ideal path for me to achieve my goals as a professional researcher and in ensuring that educational enhancement in the context of higher education in Indonesia supports the promotion of independent language learning through the best and wisest use of technology regardless of the students’ backgrounds, and is carried out beyond the walls of the classrooms.

[My] Personal Statement:
I completed my undergraduate studies majoring in English language education in 2011 and my graduate studies with the same major in 2014, which were both at Sanata Dharma University, Indonesia. My undergraduate education has prepared me with strong theoretical and practical foundations of English language skills as it required me to successfully achieve learning objectives in, for instance, linguistics and writing courses. Then, the courses in my graduate program significantly built up the foundations and made me familiar with the disciplined and rigorous routines of academic study and research since the first semester of the master studies.

I have been in various teaching contexts from tutoring my juniors during my college years at Sanata Dharma University to teaching English to tourism college students in Jogjakarta after my graduation. In addition, during my master’s studies at Sanata Dharma University, I held a position as teaching assistant to Dr.Dwijatmoko, where I taught writing skills for undergraduate students at English Letters Department at the same university. I learned from him about utilizing technology (in this case, from his writing site: to facilitate students’ learning not only in the classroom but also beyond the classroom walls. Since then, I have grown my special interests in integrating technology into teaching and learning by maximizing the potential of, for instance, blogging, and screencasting technology, to promote language-learning opportunities for students, particularly in my writing classrooms. I have also actively conducted workshops for junior and high school teachers in my area to share best practices in using technology in teaching language, such as maximizing the potential of vocabulary profiler technology.

The habits and work ethics have enabled me to achieve my passion as an active young scholar with numerous research-based academic papers specifically in the fields of English Education and Technology Enhanced Language Learning (TELL) presented at international conferences around Indonesia and published in reputable refereed academic journals. Through the conference presentations and publications, I can specifically share my technological knowledge, spread optimistic views on utilizing educational technology, and voice the need to equalize easy access to good computer devices and the Internet connections in all schools in Indonesia, particularly in far-away forgotten areas.

With the support of two of my colleagues at English Language Department at Satya Wacana Christian University, Prof. Gusti Astika and Dr. Joseph Ernest Mambu, I am able not only to maximize the potential of technology but also to focus my research on TELL. My heartfelt research interest in the field is further convinced after I helped co-found i-TELL (Indonesia Technology Enhanced Language Learning) together with several TELL enthusiasts from my university and in Indonesia. In i-TELL, which is an association of educational technology enthusiasts in Indonesia, I am able to collaborate with colleagues and experts who have the same interest in education technology, such as Ms. Neny Isharyanti, Dr. Gumawang Jati, and Dr. Made Heri Santosa from Indonesia, and from outside Indonesia, such as Ms. Claire Bradin Siskin.

Upon completing my doctoral study and returning to Indonesia and with the excellent academic credentials developed from the Ph.D. and Fulbright programs, I am committed to teaching in the undergraduate program and the future master program in English Language Studies at my university. I also plan to be a more active researcher that focuses on the fields of English education and educational technology. In addition, workshops on the potential of technology for language learning for teachers in various Indonesian cities will also benefit from my participation.

With all of my disciplined research-based learning habits, strong theoretical foundations, and implementation sides of English education and educational technology that I have possessed since my master study, I am more than convinced that I can successfully complete my future dissertation project. It is to ensure how educational enhancement in the context of higher education in Indonesia supports the promotion of independent language learning through the best and wisest use of technology regardless of students’ race, economic, cultural backgrounds, religious beliefs, and is carried out beyond the walls of the English as a Foreign Language classrooms, which are still loaded with problems and issues that need to be explored further. 

Studi Objectives  dan Personal Statement di atas adalah hanya sebagai referensi saja.
Semoga bermanfaat!

Disclaimer: This blog is not an official blog of the U.S. Department of State blog or any other institutions mentioned here. All views, comments, and information described here are merely author’s own and are solely used to share his experiences pursuing the chance to study abroad through Fulbright Scholarship. Thus, they do not represent the official information of the scholarship. For inquiries related to the official information can be found on the official website of the scholarship.

Seleksi Wawancara: Pasti Bisa!

Terima Kasih, Guru!

[1] Tidak ada format khusus yang diminta.
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