Mali, Y. C. G. (2024). Speaking practice with Gliglish. In G. Jati & F. Dewi (Eds.), Teaching speaking with AI: A collection of lesson ideas (pp. 51–57). Perkumpulan Pengajar Bahasa Berbasis Teknologi Informasi (ITELL).
Lokollo, N. C. E., & Mali, Y. C. G. (2024). Speak more, students! Harnessing technology for active students’ engagement in EFL English-speaking classes. OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa Dan Sastra, 18(1), 36–53.
Mali, Y. C. G. (2024). Theoretical perspectives of integrating technology into English language teaching and learning. Elsya: Journal of English Language Studies, 6(2), 151–160.
Mali, Y. C. G. (2024). EFL graduate students’ voices on their technology-integrated classroom language tasks. LLT Journal: A Journal on Language and Language Learning, 27(1), 116–135.
Mali, Y. C. G. (2023). The exploration of EFL teachers’ technological practices in Indonesian schools. Journal of English Teaching and Learning, 6(2), 153–168.
Mali, Y. C. G., Kurniawan, D., Januardi, J. I., Swara, S. J., Lokollo, N. C. E., Picauly, I. A., Paramitha, N. G., Tanore, J. A., Dewani, M. S., & Pakiding, R. W. (2023). Issues and challenges of technology use in Indonesian schools: Implications for teaching and learning. International Journal of Indonesian Education and Teaching, 7(2), 221–223.
Mali, Y. C. G. (2023). Pemanfaatan teknologi untuk mencari literatur: Sesi daring bersama mahasiswa PPG. E-DIMAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 14(4), 751–756.
Mali, Y. C. G., Ragawanti, D. T., Mambu, J. E., & Isharyanti, N. (2023). Pelatihan penerapan kurikulum merdeka belajar di dalam konteks pengajaran dan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris. Abdimas Altruis: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 6(2), 126–131.
Wardani, C. D. D., & Mali, Y. C. G. (2023). Researching EFL students’ disengagement in an online content-teaching classroom. ELT Echo: The Journal of English Language Teaching in Foreign Language Context, 8(1), 13–26.
Mali, Y. C. G. (2023). A book review: Case study research and applications. Beyond Words, 11(1), 61-64.
Mali, Y. C. G. (2023). Run! Zombies are coming: Riddle-based interactive speaking activities. In D. T. Ragawanti & Y. C. G. Mali (Eds.), Teaching English language skills for university EFL students: From theories to implementation (Chapter 2). Uwais Inspirasi Indonesia.
Mali, Y. C. G. (2023). EFL students' challenges in writing research proposals. LLT Journal: A Journal on Language and Language Learning, 26(1), 293-310.
Mali, Y. C. G., & Timotius, A. I. (2023). Mapping current trends of EFL teaching and learning research practices in Indonesia. International Journal of Education, 16(1), 11-22.
Mali, Y. C. G. (2023). Narratives of two Indonesian lecturers about challenges of writing an undergraduate EFL thesis. Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning, 8(1), 42-60.
Mali, Y. C. G. (2022). Simple technology to support research. Sanata Dharma University Press.
Mali, Y. C. G., & Salsbury, T. L. (2022). An associate professor and a doctoral student learn
from each other: Critical friendship. Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 19(1), 51-67.
Mali, Y. C. G. (2022). Pelatihan daring tentang pengintegrasian teknologi dalam suatu kelas Bahasa Inggris. Diseminasi: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 4(2), 206-212.
Mali, Y. C. G. (2022). The exploration of university students' perceptions of using technology in academic writing classrooms. LLT Journal: A Journal on Language and Language Teaching, 25(1), 107-121.
Mali, Y. C. G., Bantawtook, P., He, H., Morisson, S. J., & Salsbury, T. (2022). The exploration of a Korean EFL student's motivational factors over a yearlong intensive English program. Korea TESOL Journal, 17(2), 109-134.
Mali, Y. C. G. (2022). Memenangkan beasiswa DIKTI-Funded Fulbright: Tujuh petunjuk praktis. Abdimas Altruis: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 5(1), 171-177.
Mali, Y. C. G. (2022). The exploration of Indonesian students’ attributions in EFL reading and writing classes. Bahasa dan Seni: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, Seni, dan Pengajarannya, 50(1), 1–16.
Mali, Y. C. G. (2022). A workshop on how to find current topics for research. Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat, 7(1), 171-177.
Mali, Y. C.G. (2022). Teaching reflection of using technology in two Indonesian EFL classrooms: an autoethnography. Journal on English as a Foreign Language, 12(1), 1-21.
Mali, Y. C. G. (2021). Using site123 to encourage student creativity. In. Y. C. G. Mali (Ed.), Simple technology for language classrooms (pp. 15-22). Satya Wacana University Press.
Mali, Y. C. G., & Santosa, M. H. (2021). Screencast-O-Matic to support EFL teaching and learning amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Beyond Words, 9(2), 81-90.
Mali, Y. C. G., & Salsbury, T. L. (2021). Technology integration in an Indonesian EFL writing classroom. TEFLIN Journal, 32(2), 243–266.
Mali, Y. C. G. (2021). Using postermywall to practice communication in a foreign language classroom. Teaching English with Technology, 21(3), 89–100.
Mali, Y. C. G. (2021). Interactive reflections on Gee’s teaching, learning, literacy in a high-risk high-tech world. The Reading Matrix: An International Online Journal, 21(2), 180–191.
Mali, Y. C. G. (2021). Membuat podcast di kelas berbicara bahasa Inggris [Creating a podcast in an English speaking class] In G. Jati & F. Dewi (Eds.), Teknologi dan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris (pp. 32-55). Perkumpulan Pengajar Bahasa Berbasis Teknologi Informasi (iTELL). Accessible at
Mali, Y. C. G. (2021). Attribution theory. In J. Egbert & M. F. Roe (Eds.), Theoretical models for teaching and research (Chapter 2). Available from WSU Open Text, CC BY-NC 4.0 license.
Mali, Y. C. G. (2018). Digital video presentation an EFL writing classroom. Journal of Creative Practices in Language Learning and Teaching, 6(2), 1-21.
Mali, Y. C. G. (2018). Project-based EFL speaking activity: The English Funfair. Accents Asia, 10(2), 61-68.
Mali, Y. C. G., & Timotius, A. I. (2018). Project based activities in a call classroom: EFL students’ experiences. International Journal of Education, 11(1), 6-17.
Mali, Y. C. G. (2019). Personalizing potentials of weblog in EFL classrooms. ELTR Journal, 3(1), 73-81.
Baca juga:
Cerita Beasiswa dan Refleksi Calvin
Mali, Y. C. G. (2017). Motivational teaching strategies in Indonesian EFL
writing classrooms. Celt (A Journal of
Culture, English Language Teaching & Literature), 17(1), 60-85.
Mali, Y. C. G. (2017). EFL students’ experiences in learning CALL through
project based instructions. TEFLIN
Journal, 28(2), 170-192.
Mali, Y.C.G. (2017). Promoting effort attributions to EFL students. Accents Asia, 9(1), 30-40.
Mali, Y. C. G. (2017). Adult learners’ experiences
in learning English: A case study of two university students in Indonesia. Indonesian
Journal of Language Teaching and Linguistics, 2(2), 131-146.
Murtisari, E. T., & Mali, Y. C. G. (2017). Impact of English on Indonesian language and culture: High
school students’ perception. Studies
About Languages, 30, 90-104.
Mali, Y. C. G.
(2016). Writing grammatical sentences: Voices of Indonesian undergraduates in
EFL classrooms. Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa
dan Sastra, 16(1), 14-22.
Mali, Y. C. G.
(2016). Integrating technology in Indonesian EFL classrooms: Why not? Beyond Words, 4(1), 17-26.
Mali, Y.C.G. (2016). Project-based learning activities in a CALL
classroom: Let’s see and try! Indonesian
Journal of Language Teaching & Linguistics, 1(3), 233-244.
Mali, Y. C. G.
(2016). Effort Attributions in Indonesian EFL Classrooms. Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, 22(1), 80-93.
Mali, Y. C. G. (2016). A phenomenological study of three university
students’ experiences in project based learning. Journal of English Education and Linguistics Studies, 3(2), 152-180.
Mali, Y. C. G. (2016). Project based learning in Indonesian EFL
classrooms: From theory to practice. Indonesian
Journal of English Education, 3(1), 89-105.
Mali, Y. C. G.
(2015). Blog as a pedagogical application in learning creative writing. Widya Dharma, 28(1), 48-67.
Mali, Y. C. G.
(2015). Motivational factors in the Indonesian EFL writing classrooms. Bahasa & Sastra. 15(1), 1-10.
Mali, Y. C. G.
(2015). Students’ attributions on their English speaking enhancement. Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics,
4(2), 32-43.
Mali, Y. C. G., & Yulia, M.F. (2012). Students’ subject-verb
agreement errors in paragraph writing class. LLT Journal: A Journal on Language and Language Teaching, 15(2),
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